Interpreting Hygiea. | Astrologers' Community - Astrology Weekly Black Moon Lilith Aspects In Synastry | Tea & Rosemary Cancer free for over a year! I also have a triple conjunction in the 3rd house of Sun, Hel, and Ceres a couple of degrees conjunct Mercury and square Saturn conjunct Vesta in the 7th opposite Mars in Libra in the 1st. I am sure it will help me enormously in my books on Chiron, Hygeia and yods. Hygeia opposes her Chiron conjunct Jupiter in the second. As Apollo was Hygeias grandfather the serpent was also the serpent of Delphi: the python who represented the healing power of his matriarchal side; that of the Great Mother. and merry Christmas to you, Hilary, The contact is even more strongly emphasized now, since it is considerably a 10th house configuration (I preferred to say configuration in general, since the resources didnt assure me whether the Stellium includes 3 or 4 planets). Dearest Hillary Judging by this, Im a past life doctor. scuse this computer is missing letters I found u just now. Hygeia was a young goddess, daughter and chief attendant to Asclepius, the god of medicine. I am really due for some good news and relief but right now I am just discouraged. It is an easy, undemanding, and well-paying job but I do not feel like I have been living my full potential. That was a most amazing experience! Of course, Im writing this in a foreign language, on a foreign website, so theres Jupiter on my 9th hs cusp. Vertex in the Signs and in Aspect | Cafe Astrology .com Bit hypochondria maybe, not about health though. And, therefore, I would be finally able to live my full potential and be more helpful to others. So informative! The vagina and throat/neck are spirit openings so you had an initiation and pilgrimage from Covid time in 2020 to now when Hygeia transits your 1st house and your Pluto. (also have an eclipsing full Scorpio Moon conjunct Pluto in the 1st house). Thinking of setting up a retreat or something for people with high ACE scores. Her temples were frequently located upon the sites of sacred wells which had healing properties, just as Mother Marys wells are full of healing waters on the Michael Mary leylines in Britain and the Athena wells on the Apollo-Athena line which stretches from Skellig off Ireland through Mont Saint Michel through Italy, the Holy Land and Greece are also healing places. Id like to see your chart. Thank you Hilary for this informative article on Hygeia. My Hygeia is right at the cusp of 7th house in Sagittarius, opposite Taurus Ascendant and T-Square to Chiron in Pisces in 11. Hygeia is in Gemini in my chart and would like to know what influence it has. Hygeia is the goddess of health and the maintenance of health. I have Athena conjunct Vesta and several other asteroids there. One of my subjects was on suicide because so many ex-cattle men in the outback commit suicide and many Aboriginal teenagers kill themselves as a copy-cat behavior. Good wishes from me to to you and your loved ones for a fantastic year in 2015. by the time of the procedure next week, Neptune will almost exactly be squaring my MC/IC axis. I have Chiron conjunct Moon (0 grades) and Hygeia conjunct Sun, just opposite of yours placement. She also had two other medical sisters: Panacea (Cure-All) and Iaso (Remedy). Hows the book coming along now? So there are opposing forces to contend with, some difficulty in getting her message across. It sounds as though you need a rest to gather your forces and be alono thate. We can live a shamanic life- we cannot force people to have soul recoveries and they do not cure deep seated trauma. (intense month of illness of the throat: Gemini??) Snakes, as ground-dwelling creatures, had contact with the dead and might even carry the souls of ancestors returning to help you. I have retrograde Hygeia, retrograde Chiron, and my ASC all within three degrees. with all the best for the coming 2015 petra. to neptune libra. Anyway Thank you, again, for posting this. Medication, if carefully considered, can be the best option for some people. Do you have a Gemini or Cancer Ascendant? WOW! Please write any time. Sometimes certain psychological conditions require medication, but only maybe. Life becomes very difficult when we are in pain constantly and there seems to be no way out. Please read all my article as I give a great deal of advice and maybe one of my article could help you further. In her personifying the value of diet and hygiene in health maintenance and disease prevention, Hygeia is the antithesis and complement to Asclepius. Your comment reminds me of a holiday I had in Britain in March where there was salt constantly thrown on highways and pathways to clear the snow. Thank u for a wonderful insightful work. Smile. I did get to great health states but world keeps knocking me back and this time its hard to respond again. I really resonate with this , thank you again . Over the years, the practice of astrology has helped me to subsist, often putting bread on the table. 18Tau01 prog I treat doctors as equals and Ive always connected quite well with them. I am definitely interested in shamanic healing and have been told by several shaman that I have some of the gifts in dreaming that may make for a good practitioner. I am sure you know the theory behind negative attention getting. Hi Hilary, Am I meant to transmute the horrific abuse I miraculously lived through as a kid (also have a Jupiter Uranus conjunction -.09 orb- in the 12th in Libra trine Venus within a degree which probably saved my life) into community healing? Can you pick up peoples feelings through emails, texts and photos too? The Klimt Hygiea Art can inform you about an asteroid. He told me: My Hygeia makes a near exact air grand trine with my Moon and NN. Zoe. 2. Then I taught mental health at university in the education faculty. I communicate pretty well (Mercury in Libra on the 5th cusp may help me), but I also seem to be fairly focused on the nurturing aspects of Cancer, especially as my life evolves over time. This is why Hygeia and the 6th house are a perfect fit; it is why Virgo and Hygeia are very comfortable together. Thank you! I taught children who had been diagnosed with a placement on the autistic spectrum from 1974 and then from 1996 I taught children who had been diagnosed (ascertained ) with ASD (the Aspergers Syndrome on the Spectrum of autism.) I started out on the counseling psychology track, but then discovered (through a dream that synchronistically led to a figurine of the Snake Goddess, in waking life) that JFKU had a dream studies program, so I pursued that, instead, along with astrology, nature-based spirituality (shamanism), transformative arts, etc. Now I mentor. Carl Jung, father of modern transpersonal psychotherapy and dream therapy had Hygeia at 3 degrees Cancer quincunx his Aquarian Ascendant and sextile his Neptune conjunct IC and trine his MC. This is the second new planet, or dwarf planet, or "plutoid," to be officially named, after being referred to as "Easter bunny" for three years by its discoverer, Mike Brown. It seems to have been used by the First Nation people for various maladies including burns. Click here. My shamanic training is some South American Inca shamansm, some Cherokee shamanism through Eileen Nauman, who is a dear friend and lots with Sandy Ingerman. In later Classical Greek times Athena took Hygiea as part of her persona. I am amazed I am making headway at this late date. hi, Jamie. In particular, there is a photo of a stone carving of Shakti, in which a snake is manifesting from her vulva, which totally makes me think of the symbols of the snake and bowl/womb. Germaine Greer has it conj. Dont come too close, because I might bleed on you or bite you. And I hope you are doing better health-vise! I love your work and thank you for sharing your wisdom with us Love to all sides of you, Dea. I just was looking at the Nodes yesterday with ancestral links and that is huge in the nodal aspects- ancesters as mentors and daimons. Hygeia is only an asteroid, not a planet.,, A Spoonful of Sugar :: Cosmic Weather Forecast for November 6th - 12th - Lilith Rebellion. My book needs a Cranioscaral Therapist and the world needs to know about your practice. thank you so much for your kind response. Hygeia is also square the nodes and Venus and Jupiter. Hands on and remote. Would you like to be one of the anonymous Hygeian characters in my book? So with that Pluto in Virgo opp Jup-Hygia-Chiron are you incessantly busy or obsessive. I also recommend all of Sandra Ingermans books. Transite hygea trine natal Neptun and on the other side Transit hygea trine natal Jupiter/chiron (Progress. We all can let go of the past and all the old hurts and pain. In recent years, I become interested in herbal remedies. Tim.) My Mum is dying and I am sick as a dog, but the good news is thank goodness T Pluto is moving away from the stuck 14-16 position in Capricorn. Hygeine is important here because stomach (Cancer) infections and horrible things like candida can occur. Many blessings My father dies from misdiagnosis, my nephew suffered disability brought on by childhood vaccination, so I did not vaccinate my son, I treat him myself with homeopathy and he was never seriously ill in all of his 15 years, aprt from when he was born in hospital against my wishes, treated with antibiotics against my wishes and suffered candida overgrowth, still does. My natal Hygeia is also about to enjoy a Venus transit, so thats good too. It could be liver or gallbladder problems or just sheer anxiety if it is in their shoulders or head. Some people do not have that happen in a life time. I think it would benefit you to to pay for genetic screening to discover potential health problems. Asteroid Hygeia - Astrology King Athena people have a capacity for whole pattern perception (mine is in the top 99% of the world population) and the ability to conceive and coordinate schema and paradigms for systems. Here rather then the Wife/Mother (Moon), or even the Beautiful Maiden/Girlfriend (Venus). One thing that came up for me, as I read your article, is that I associate the bowl that Hygeia carries with the womb. I will send you an email because Id love to hear about your Hygeia conjunct Sun and your Moon conjunct Chiron. I have Pallas conjunct the MC (within 2 degrees) in Pisces. That should read: Chiron and Heracles in the 12th house. 10 Juno conjunct the MC- writes books on how to be a good wife-----Want To Ask Any Question About Bible Prophecy? What a wonderful career you have and so many interesting hobbies. I have considered that its simply a desire to heal myself rather than something that will develop into work although Im happy if my journey takes me that way. In the last 2 hours I have made six phone calls about medical appointments and results for me and the kids. Ive only learnt about hygeia recently and found that it opposes my natal sun and venus, trine my uranus and sextile my asc, and its in my natal 10th house. As someone well versed in astrology, I looked at my transits for tomorrows eclipse . Many of us have had physical challenges and have become healers of some kind because we had to learn how to overcome the physical ailment we have. Lilith doesn't tolerate for a man to control her, while Juno is the obedient, forgiving wife. My aim is to integrate these three separate body psych orientations into one stream. Eris brings chaos and often retribution, but wherever Hygeia goes in the horoscope, she has a way of cleaning up things, bringing them into a very pure, even ideal, state of being. Im pretty happy now(death can fix Nothing, but more to fix next time we come to earth) , battled through suicide tendency in very young age(10-24), study astrology definitely helped me a lot back then and now. I would be honoured if you would have the time to send me your birth data and join the two Hygeia books I am writing (first, Hygeia, the houses and planets; and second , Hygeia and the asteroids). I do hope something of what I have written helps you. Her gift of medicine can be taken literally too. Ill look for The Secret Garden too. Here is the exact kind of specific, attentive, habitual, nutritional and service-minded concern that is so beloved of Virgo. Aries Panacea conjunct BM Lilith in a kite with- 0-2 degree Saggy Sun/Merc Leo Saturn Libra Karma. I can tell a woman her weight has nothing to do with her diet and everything to do with 5 bottles of wine and 24 bottles of beer each day, but does she mend her ways? Other astrologers have said as much which I will mention later. My Moon is exactly conjunct Hygiea. Your associations of Hygeias bowl with the womb and Shakti. Hygeia also rules sanitation and the valuable role hygiene and diet play in health maintenance. I feel really good about having cured any possible but unknown cancers too. Through his Hygeian aspects to his MC and IC we can see his holistic approach to spiritual- mental psychotherapy. I think you might be good with finances. !! Yes, me too, I have Athena exactly conjunct Venus conjunct MC and have been a counseller for about 35 years ago. I m excited to see the change. I have Hygeia at Gemini (9 13) in he 5th House. Thanks Hilary for your reply. While I was working on a geographically remote Australian Aboriginal community I completed a Masters Degree in Education with a Masters in Education. My health has not been good most of my life, but when it is good life is wonderful so I know that wasting my life would not be wise. It seems that they have discovered that these worlds once were extraordinarily hot, but they eventually cooled from the outside, forming a crust around a molten core. Im grateful to the influences of Vega and Ursa Major on my chart, they definitely are quite a weaponry in my pocket that can be used for good-deeds. The women who is unfathomable, dangerous, rebellious and sexual. Its on my sun line in astrocartography (though there are other complicating lines nearby). Thanks for all that. Children wll die from neglect as I am sure you know having studied Social Work. Ceres is the largest and has just been upgraded to a dwarf planet. Hygeia, like Ceres, has a relatively low density, which is more comparable to the icy satellites of Jupiter or Saturn than to the terrestrial planets or the stony asteroids. Hopefully I dont have many sides because with all the work I have done therapy, healing courses, university courses in psychology and counselling, teaching Ive done and at my age I am fairly much self-actualised. I love Michael Newton books, too, btw. I want it to be a natural move and Im encouraged by these several apparently supportive aspects. Jup., well, no wonder I felt an urge to *write* to you since I feel I do write better than talk sometimes:), I just wanted you to know about it, to share that this post had made a deep impact on my understanding of me trying to find the real way of me being at service to humanity and self. To make Hygeia even more prominent, it just happens to sit on my 9th hs cusp. The easy aspects show our gifts. Ill send you an email and you can send me your birthdate, so I can pinpoint your Hygeia. Vesta (4)- -Vesta is not soul mate, per se. I am no longer in business but after i publish my Hygeia book I will open again. I hope your book has been moving along well. You would look for a strong Virgo presence in your chart ie, sun or Moon or Asc I or MC in virgo and maybe 8th house if you wanted to be a psychologist or scorpio if yo were thinking of surgery 4 and then maybe some 6th house planets as it is the house of health. I wish there was a way I could help them. Hilary. Hello Dea, If you cleanse your body, (your house, your car and your career) both inwardly and outwardly, through diet, exercise, lifestyle and physical regimen, and most diseases are greatly ameliorated, or vanish of their own accord. She handles the snake (and no doubt other fears and burdens) in her life with practiced ease and success. You insure yourself against being left, by choosing husbands who would be lost without you, so they stay! What shall it be? I could teach you but you are a long way away from Australia. Black Moon Lilith in the 9th House - Heretic Saint | ElsaElsa Money is usually plentiful and important to you. On Oct 8th, BML was within a degree of the USA's natal Hygiea. I am so glad it is on your refrigerator. 2. Thank you for the reply. I am happy to share my. They have the wisdom of strategy, foresight, planning, rational thought and determination which lead to academic careers, artistic and advertising careers, careers as systems analysts, military strategists, political, academic and scientific careers. Sometimes this poses real challenges and problems, making circumstances appear worse before they get better. Asteroid 10 Hygeia was discovered by Annibale de Gasparis on April 12, 1849, in Naples, Italy. Hygeia is large with a somewhat oblong diameter of 350500 km, and a mass estimated to be 2.9% of the total mass of the belt, it is the fourth largest asteroid by volume and mass. Mars on the ASC (exact). So I guess for 45 years I have worked in these areas. What an amazing place and how truly amazing that they have a dream studies program and shamanic practitioner (nature based spirituality) and astrology. What is daunting me lately is the number of ordinary people who have a strong Hygeia and have had incurable illness in their lives but kept death at bay via faith in the angelic kingdom. born 1944. Later, not long ago I saw him in a circle with look alike men which struck me as the sons of Norway his descendants. Ami Anne Moderator . I have been effected by Plutonian and Uranian transits to a personal planet in the last year and I can say without hesitation that Pluto and Uranus pull out supressed shock from ones body, specifically ones cellular levels.